Partners & Alliances

It's not always what you know but who you know! That's why we are always forming alliances with the leading companies
involved with non-profits so that we can bring you the best products and services.

The NonProfit Times is published by the NPT Publishing Group, the leading information provider for the nonprofit sector since 1987, providing news, in-depth features, how-to articles and special reports on the latest trends and technology in the nonprofit world. The NonProfit Times has partnered with Bluewater Nonprofit Solutions to publish The 2016 Nonprofit Organizations Salary & Benefits Report, the nation's most comprehensive, data-rich, versatile and user friendly salary and benefits report for the nonprofit sector.

The National Human Services Assembly is a leading coalition comprised of over 80 of the largest national nonprofit human service organizations. NHSA focuses on shaping public dialogue, improving the business practices of nonprofits, and building capacity for the human services sector. NHSA's priority is to strengthen collaborative practice and policy that promote equality of opportunity and upward mobility for all.

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